Name Tags Description christian
Awaken Recovery article, blog, christian, coaching, group, minister, retreat, seminar, speaker, spouse, story, struggler, training Birmingham, AL, USA
Daughters for Sale: How Young American Girls Are Being Sold Online article, culture, information, story, trafficking Horrible heartbreaking story from 2016 on Backpage
Mobile Parent device, general, information, parent A collection of guides and different resources to help parents protect children from harmful digital content and services. Guides include tips for popular apps like Snapchat, TikTok, YouTube, Roblox, etc.
She's Somebody's Daughter blog, christian, culture, trafficking She’s Somebody’s Daughter began in 2012 as an awareness initiative about the links between trafficking, pornography, and the commercial sex industry.
Changing Lanes blog, christian, church, coaching, female, group, male, parent, support A ministry that aims to help people of all ages find freedom and healing in sexual integrity through accountability, groupwork and scripture.
She Recovery christian, coaching, female, group, podcast, sexaholic, struggler Founded by Crystal Renaud Day, Dirty Girls Ministries hosts online groups for women who are struggling with pornography and sexual addiction. Also offers a 2h40m training video for counsellors, coaches and supporters.
Enough Is Enough general, information, policy, research, trafficking Non-profit org that collects research and statistics on several internet-safety related topics including porn and trafficking. See: & & also
National Center on Sexual Exploitation | Pornography article, book, information, podcast, research Formerly book, christian, device, general, list, parent, spouse, struggler The resources and tools page of the setfreesummit site includes various links to and descriptions of materials such as books, dvds, programs, and more offered by those who exhibited at the setfreesummit (the setfreesummit was focused on discussing porn use in the church). course, female, group, male, struggler 8-week online support group, by the Naked Truth Project people in Salford, UK gaming, internet blog, book, christian, female, speaker, struggler USA book, struggler christian, information, sexaholic, struggler FMM educates and equips the public on Trauma Model / Core Issue Addiction Recovery (CIAR), which they think is the next generation of addiction recovery. christian, course, group, spouse, struggler blog, parent A blog by a mom whose teenage son has been through through porn addiction and recovery. christian, course, group, spouse, struggler device, parent
Moral Revolution: The Naked Truth About Sexual Purity book, christian, parent, youth Recommended by Julee D. trafficking support Issues I Face is a site that offers help and connection for those going through something difficult (including feeling addicted to porn). blog, coaching, struggler Noah Church writes and coaches on how to quit porn. parent
S-Anon The S-Anon twelve-step program provides support for family & friends of sex addicts.
Why I stopped watching porn with Ran Gavrieli culture, information, speaker, story Ran Gavrieli is a writer and lecturer on porn-influenced cultural damage. This 2013 TEDx talk discusses the reality of porn and its consequences.
Refuse to Click YouTube video A short video that describes how viewing porn is connected with prostitution and modern sex slavery.
The great porn experiment with Gary Wilson culture, information, research, speaker YourBrainOnPorn founder Gary Wilson's TEDx talk summarizing findings from different studies on dopamine, porn and addiction.
Strive21 app, catholic, christian, male, struggler A 21-day detox program by Matt Fradd and Covenant Eyes.
Covenant Eyes app, article, blog, book, christian, course, parent, podcast, struggler, support Accountability software that shares screenshots of your devices and regular reports with trusted partner. Also provides filtering powered by CleanBrowsing DNS. Offers free e-books and support blog.
Issues I Face | My husband's porn addiction female, spouse, story, support A sad story about a woman's betrayal trauma over her husband's porn addiction. The website hosting the story includes a contact form readers can fill out if they want a compassionate listener to talk to.
Early Facebook and Google Employees Form Coalition to Fight What They Built article, culture, internet Article about the harmful effects of social media and some of the psychology behind how Facebook et al get users addicted to their platform.
Tech Lockdown app, blog, information, internet Productivity and filtering DNS with customizable settings and profiles. Can be linked to individual devices or your home router. Also hosts guides for securing devices.
Joe Dallas blog, book, christian, counseling, speaker Personal site for Christian author, speaker and counselor Joe Davis. christian, course, residential, spouse, struggler, youth Pure Life Ministries is "a biblical counseling center, with certified biblical counselors, who themselves have gone through the program and are striving to walk in holiness each day by God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit." minister, parent, policy, religious, training The Religious Association Against Pornography was founded in 1986 in New York in a meeting attended by 28 Judeo-Christian religious leaders. There is some Islamic representation as well. The name of the organization says it all. policy, trafficking christian, struggler struggler
Pure sex radio christian, podcast
Oak Mountain Coaching Coaching to help others recover from sex/porn problems and addiction.
Pivotal Recovery A site created by Dr. Paula Hall to help those struggling with porn or sex addictions. For £75, a patron gets access to a 60 day course with podcasts and reflection exercises to guide them through the 6 steps of recovery.
Sex Addicts Anonymous (SAA) A twelve-step based group that helps members who have struggled with sex addiction.
Sexaholics Anonymous (SA) A twelve-step group to help those who struggle with lust, sex, and pornography addiction.
Recovery Nation A site with self-help recovery resources for sex addicts, love addicts, and porn addicts.
Celebrate Recovery A Christ-centered program for sustainable recovery and healing that has been attended by over 7 million people. Their 8 principles of recovery are based on Jesus's teaching in the Beatitudes.
Center for Relational Recovery counseling A counseling center in Virginia specializing in sexual addiction and trauma with an emphasis on healing broken relationships.
Power of Purity counseling, workshop Tony Ingrassia is a counselor is Missouri who specializes in unwanted sexual behavior. Hosts 3 day intensives, video materials online, and a weekly men's meeting on Zoom.
Freed for Life! christian, testimonials Christian site created by recovered 20 year sex addict.
Peter Watts Counseling counseling Peter Watts is counselor who specializes in sexual addictions, shame, and sexual identity formation.
Recovered Man coaching, group, podcast Matt Dobschuetz, founder of the site, publishes a podcast every few weeks. For $1500 for 6 months, he also offers coaching to online "REV" groups along with Vern Tompke and Chris White.
Proven Men christian A Christian-based recovery program founded by Joel Hesch. The site has workbooks and other materials to facilitate small groups focused on pursuing purity.
End Slavery Now blog, information, parent, policy, trafficking A project of the National Underground Railroad Freedom Center with the aim of ending sex trafficking and slavery. Raises awareness by providing information, articles and links to resources. internet, residential reSTART is a residential treatment center for addressing problematic use of the Internet.
Stand in Victory christian, course
Pure Life Alliance christian Pure Life Alliance (located in Beaverton, Oregon, USA) facilitates the networking of churches, support groups, counselors and other special services specializing in the area of purity. Together this network works more effectively to bring healing and restoration to families and individuals impacted by sexual brokenness.
423 Communities christian, group 423 Communities aims to to shine the gospel of sexual sobriety in every dark corner of the globe. Our strategy is to provide safe, gender-specific groups in local churches where men, women, and young people can honestly embark on the journey of self-discovery, and find healing from the destructive grip of pornography in a safe, shame-free, and supportive environment. church, course, minister Founded in 2013 by Garry and Melissa Ingraham, the site offers cirriculum specially designed for those in the church. christian, expert, parent, struggler Interviews with several professionals in the porn-fighting space. coaching, spouse
Beyond the Battle Groups book, christian, coaching, course, group, male, support Created by Noah Filipiak, Beyond the Battle Groups are online video-conference-call groups (up to 9 in a group) for men to help them overcome porn addiction.
Fight The New Drug app, culture, general, research, story, struggler, testimonials, trafficking Fight the New Drug is an organization whose goal is to educate the public and to encourage the culture at large to think critically about its current acceptance of pornography. FTND frequently does research and publishes stories that other like-minded organizations reference. They also have created a mobile app called "Fortify" that is designed to help strugglers think more deeply about the effects porn has on them and why they should quit using porn. Clay Olsen is the co-founder and main face of the organization.
Exodus Cry article, culture, podcast, policy, testimonials, trafficking Exodus Cry publishes short films, feature documentaries, articles and testimonials exposing the truth about porn, sex trafficking, and its impact on society. It seeks to fight sexual exploitation by raising public awareness, effecting legislation changes, and helping those currently being sexually exploitated a way out.
National Center on Sexual Exploitation article, general, information, podcast, policy, research, trafficking, training NCOSE is an organization that collects research and multimedia resources to spread awareness about the links between sexual abuse and exploitation. The organization's ultimate goal is to take down the sexual exploitation industry (porn, pimps, traffickers, etc.)
Atlas Free article, information, story, trafficking Non-profit organization that fights human trafficking across the globe.
Defend Young Minds article, book, course, information, parent Founded by Kristen Jenson, author of Good Pictures Bad Pictures, and designed to provide parents with the resources they need to 'porn-proof' the minds of their young children. The books and courses provided are designed to prepare children with a response plan if exposed to pornography to minimize the damage.
Coalition to End Sexual Exploitation Global Summit conference, expert, information, policy, seminar, speaker, trafficking, training Organized by the National Center on Sexual Exploitation to provide education from speakers who are experts in their field and spark discussion on the relationship between sexual exploitation and digital technology.
The Journey Course book, christian, course, struggler 5 months, $25/month. "A guided journey for men and women out of unwanted sexual behavior," authored by Jay Stringer, licensed mental health counselor and ordained minister. Course includes teaching videos and learning modules, a movie, a book, and self-assessment.
Ask the Psychologist | Boyfriend’s Addiction to Pornography is Damaging Our Relationship expert, spouse, story Clinical psychologist answer column. A doctor breaks down a woman's relationship problem with her porn-addicted boyfriend, and further explains how obsessive porn use moves people from emotional bonding with another person to emotional bonding with body parts and orgasms.
The Porn Myth: Exposing the Reality Behind the Fantasy of Pornography book, culture, information, research, struggler By author and speaker Matt Fradd. A non-religious rebuttal to common pro-porn arguments drawing on research from the fields of neurology, sociology and psychology.
Internet Safety 101 article, blog, information, internet, parent, policy, research, youth A product of Enough Is Enough; includes a ton of links, articles, and resources covering most topics you can think of. "Educating, Equipping And Empowering Parents"
/r/pornfree struggler Subreddit dedicated to discussion/user testimony about becoming free from porn use. Splintered off from /r/NoFap and doesn't associate masturbation as part of the problem, only masturbation when accompanied with porn.
The Bare Facts: The Truth about Sex, Love & Relationships book, christian, information, research, youth DVD set and book by Josh McDowell that seeks to answer most common questions young people have about love, sex and relationships. "Knowledge, not ignorance, is the key to youthful purity and a fulfilling marriage."
Dr. John D. Foubert, LLC | Author, Speaker, Consultant expert, information, research, speaker Dr. Foubert is an interdisciplinary scholar and expert in sexual assault prevention. His book "How Pornography Harms: What Today’s Teens, Young Adults, Parents, and Pastors Need to Know" may be particularly relevant to users of this site. His website contains a wealth of information and resources pertaining to sexual assault prevention and the harms of pornography.
Pure Desire book, christian, conference, counseling, group, speaker, spouse, struggler Pure Desire is best know for their Conqueror DVD series with Ted Roberts. The DVD series is most useful in a male Christian recovery and accountability group. Pure Desire also puts on conferences and has other materials--primarily books and counseling--helpful for ministers, betrayed spouse, or for individuals trying to quit porn.
Bloom for Catholic Women catholic, christian, course, female, spouse "Bloom For Catholic Women offers therapeutic and Catholic-based online courses for women healing from the trauma of discovering their husband's sexual and/or pornography addiction. We're dedicated to helping Catholic women gain confidence, hope, and resilience through professional therapeutic support, spiritual insight, educational resources, and an empathetic community."
Integrity Restored blog, catholic, christian, coaching, course, information, minister, parent, spouse, struggler, support A site for helping Catholics (men, women, couples, parents, pastors) get free from porn, get educated about helping others trapped in porn, or finding a therapist to help. Also has an online coaching program open to anyone. $99 for 26 online sessions.
Kairos Centre counseling, course The Kairos Centre and Gary McFarlane offer online or in-person (UK) recovery programs and counseling for sex addicts and their partners.
Husband Material christian, coaching, course, group, support Founded by Drew Boa, Husband Material is a site dedicated to helping Christian Men outgrow porn.
Love Like That with Dr. Les Parrot book, christian, course, group, minister, research "Dr. Parrott takes the latest findings from psychology and sociology and blends them with biblical teaching to reveal five transformative ways of relating to people demonstrated by Jesus himself: being mindful, approachable, grace-filled, bold, and self-giving." For sale is the book Love Like That as well as a teaching course for ministers who want to turn Love Like That into a six-week course in their church, or a package for leading small groups with the book.
Stop SESTA: Section 230 is Not Broken | Civil Litigants Are Not Always Without a Remedy Against Internet Intermediaries culture, information, internet, policy, speech, trafficking A legal breakdown of Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act. In brief, parties hosting content online are thought to be immune against civil litigation because they can't be held responsible for user-generated content on their platforms. However, said party is not immune if they can be proven to have had a direct hand in creating or advertising illegal content. This exception provides individuals, especially victims of sex trafficking, an avenue to bring sites that were complicit in their abuse to justice. An example cited is the infamous which advertised sex trafficking services and would not be protected by Section 230 in a civil case.
Be Broken christian, course, group, intensive, podcast, spouse, struggler, workshop A 3-day intensive workshop for men in the USA; grace-based recovery groups done online open to men anywhere (8 weeks long, 10 per group); 6-week online group for wives for hope & healing with betrayal trauma; resources for families; more courses available at
pureHOPE blog, christian, culture, parent, podcast Resources page includes free pocket guides and e-books. pureHOPE is primarily for arming parents with the tools they need to bring up children with a Godly view of sexuality in a sex-crazed culture.
Bethesda Workshops christian, female, group, intensive, male, sexaholic, spouse, struggler, workshop Bethesda 4-day workshops are available for men, women, partners, and youth. They are Christian-based and hosted by licensed therapists, the majority of which are Certified Sex Addiction Therapists (CSATs). Recommended by Jessica Harris. Nashville, TN.
Dirty Dozen List culture, general, information, list, policy The Dirty Dozen List is an annual campaign calling out twelve mainstream entities for facilitating, enabling, and even profiting from sexual abuse and exploitation.
RECLAIM catholic, christian, coaching, course, struggler The RECLAIM program combines neuroscience, psychology and Catholic theology in order to understand addiction. The course teaches how to use cognitive behavioural techniques, brain science of change training, and other tools for recovering from porn addiction. Also offers coaching and accountability.
How We Love book, counseling, parent, spouse, workshop Free quizzes and information designed to help individuals uncover how they learned to love in relationships from childhood and how to use that information to become a stable connector to their spouse/children.
SESTA | Stop Enabling Sex Traffickers Act information, policy, trafficking A summary explanation of United States 2018 legal bills FOSTA-SESTA. In short, the previous legal precedent, Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, granted immunity to websites from being held culpable for content posted by third parties (users of their websites). The FOSTA-SESTA bills are intended to make it easier for prosecutors and plaintiffs to bring sites involved in sex trafficking to justice.